【人生ゼミナール 】「真宗の宗風」~三河・真宗の土徳~
「ハンセン病ドキュメンタリー映画 NAGASHIMA~かくり~の証言」のご案内
2025年3月30日(日) 14:00開演~16:00 (13:30開場)
第25回非戦・平和沖縄研修会 募集要項
映画「一人になる」-医師 小笠原登とハンセン病強制隔離政策-上映会
映画「一人になる」-医師 小笠原登とハンセン病強制隔離政策-上映会
第一回 9月8日(日) 10:00~ 県立博物館第二回 9月14日(土) 14:00~ 読谷村文化センター第三回 10月6日(日) 14:00~ 名護市中央公民館
参加無料 ※ 先着順
【声明】米兵による女性への暴行事件に抗議します (日本語)
真宗大谷派 東本願寺沖縄別院
輪 番 長谷 暢
門徒総代 照屋 隆司
【声明英語版】Protest Statement Against the Assault Incidents by U.S. Soldiers
[Protest Statement Against the Assault Incidents by U.S. Soldiers]
In late June this year, it was reported that a US soldier stationed in Okinawa kidnapped and assaulted a girl under the age of 16 last December.
In addition to the incident in December last year, it has been reported that there was another in May this year. Moreover, three more incidents of sexual violence involving U.S. military personnel in Okinawa have come to light, bringing the total to five cases in the past year and a half. It is horrifying to think that these reported incidents are just the tip of the iceberg, and we are deeply outraged that these incidents were not promptly reported to the Okinawa Prefectural Government and the local residents by the responsible authorities.
Considering the deep pain and suffering of the victims, which is beyond anyone's understanding, we deeply regret the societal failings that allowed these incidents to occur. We must first extend our sincere apologies and our deepest sympathies to the victims and wish them to know we are full of sorrow and grief for their suffering.
Since the end of World War II, crimes committed by U.S. military personnel have been repeatedly carried out under the imbalanced relationship with the U.S. military. For the people of Okinawa, who aspire to create a society where all lives are equally valued ("Nuchi du Takara"), the frequent occurrence of sexual violence crimes, which must be eliminated above all else, due to the heavy burden of U.S. military bases and the long-standing enforced inequalities, is an unacceptably unjust reality.
Sexual violence is the ultimate violation of dignity, treating others as objects to satisfy one's own desires.
Moreover, the overwhelming majority of victims being women or minors highlights the horrors of a male-dominated society, and allowing such a social structure to continue is fundamentally incompatible with the teachings of Buddhism. As Buddhists, we feel a profound responsibility for the persistence of such incidents.
Amida Buddha's vow, "HONGAN," cherishes a desire for all people to be saved equally. What is promised is not a society built on the sacrifice of a few, but a world without inequality based on appearance, social status, skin color, gender, etc. Furthermore, in this vow, a world where no one uses anyone other than themselves as a means to fulfill their own desires is pledged.
As Buddhists who rely on this vow, “HONGAN”, we express our strong protest against the series of incidents and the situation in Okinawa to all Japanese and Americans. Through these incidents, we affirm that each of us must question our way of using those around us to fulfill our own desires.
Finally, we wish for the alleviation, even if just a little, of the suffering of the victims and hope that such incidents will never be repeated. We would like to walk alongside those who are raising their voices in protest against these incidents.
July 12, 2024
Shinshu Otani Faction
Higashi Honganji Okinawa Betsuin (the branch temple of Okinawa)
Rinban (branch head of the priests) : Masashi Nagatani
Chairperson of the followers : Ryuji Teruya